501(c)3 non-profit , tax exempt organization

Nes is the founder of Angels Bark Dog Rescue. In many ways, starting the rescue was the natural result of a lifetime of helping homeless dogs.
Born and raised in Istanbul, with its large population of stray dogs, her affinity with dogs and passion for saving homeless dogs developed at an early age. For as long as she can remember, she was always comfortable around all types of dogs.
Her bond with man’s best friend was probably forever cemented during one childhood experience she recalls from a trip she took with her family when she was 8 years old.
Nes’ father was a cliffhanger and would often take the family out to the mountains. On one of those excursions, while her father and his fellow mountain climbers, as well as Nes and several other people were at the bottom of the mountain, the group was suddenly and unexpectedly surrounded by a pack of 10 wild shepherds. The dogs circled around the group in a menacing fashion, showed their teeth and appeared ready to attack. Her father and the other men immediately assembled in a tight formation around Nes to prevent the dogs from getting near her. But Nes did not view the dogs as dangerous at all. To the contrary, she had always been comfortable with all the dogs she had encountered.
Before anyone realized what was happening, Nes darted out from the group and went directly to one of the dogs and proceeded to hug the dog. All the dogs backed down. What had appeared to be a potentially dangerous situation was instantly defused as all the dogs started wagging their tails. They apparently were startled just like her family and friends; they needed a little love. Since then, thousands of dogs have experienced the love that she has for them.
Nes started a career as a flight attendant in 1991 at age 19 for a Turkish carrier, eventually moving to the United States and taking a position with Delta Airlines in 1999. The flexibility with her schedule working for the airline made it possible for her to run Angels Bark Dog Rescue with a wonderful group of volunteers. Most importantly, her passion and love for helping dogs has never ended, it has only become stronger.